After doing some soul-searching, I decided to put my music aside and develop the free website and see where it would lead. After all, I had no investment other than my time. I no longer based the site around my music, just the fun and funny stuff. I joined a couple affiliate programs to maybe make a dollar or two; One was a company that gave away free websites and paid a dollar for every website that was downloaded by a US visitor. The other was a company that (surprisingly enough) gave away free websites. They paid a dollar for each website that someone built by your referral. It was very easy to do, I just copied and pasted the short bit of script code on several of my pages. Some of the code displayed banners and some of the code would be just a text link.
At the end of my 6th month having this free website, I made my first official internet money. It's funny now, but I have never been so excited about making 7 dollars. There is strange guilty feeling about making money anonymously. And though it was only 7 dollars, I could see the potential for exponential growth. I pictured myself like the people on the infomercials that you know are lying through their teeth claiming to $6000 a week working from their home. I now didn't feel so empty for deserting my music. All for 7 dollars...